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dEkap's Personal Shoutbox

#1 Medlemmen är offline   Erik 

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  • Gick med: 13-juli 03

  Postad 14 juli 2003 - 00:06

I can really recommend dEkap.com's personal shoutboxes. They are really great. (and free)
I specially like that it is possible to get it Transparent. :)

You can download the DPS (dEkap's personal Shoutbox) here;
Mirror-download site;http://www.psychofro...s/dps_1.0.3.zip

And go to their forum for help and instructions of installing the Board.

::: Have great day! //Erik at psychofrog.se and Webbhotell ManuFrog :::

#2 Medlemmen är offline   Erik 

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  Postad 07 augusti 2003 - 15:34

Got some questions about installing the shoutbox, Ririe at http://www.dekap.com helped me at their forum http://forum.hermawan.com.
I added the info here to, plus some more info about configuring the "config.php".

-----------------> Info from Ririe's & Hermawan's forum, plus my info; ------------>

You can download DPS on here!! Your site must support PHP and MySQL.
Mirror-site for download of DPS here
First of all you need to create a new MySql database or use an empty one.
To find out the name of an existing database, check with your hosting provider,
or if you use "Cpanel" log in there, and check for "MySql databases, PHP adminstrator". Use/Add the database's name and a user for it. Remember this info later on when editing the config.php.

Here is the installation step for DPS.

1. Unzip and extract all files to your hard drive.
2. Open up config.php on your text editor and fill it with your database information. Ririe have put some comment in there so you can understand it.
Change the this text; Database Username, Database Password and Database Name with your names & password.

/* Database Configuration */

 // Hostname of Database
 define ("DEKAP_DB_HOSTNAME", "localhost");

 // Username of Database Authentication
 define ("DEKAP_DB_USERNAME", "Database Username");

 // Password of Database Authentication
 define ("DEKAP_DB_PASSWORD", "Database Password");

 // Your Database name
 define ("DEKAP_DB_DATABASE", "Database Name");

Some of the servers with MySql-databases will not allow a password. Ask your hosting-provider or test with leaving the "Database Password" blank.
// Password of Database Authentication
 define ("DEKAP_DB_PASSWORD", " ");

3. Create a new directory called "dps" in you webspace then upload all files to it.
4. Change the security mode (CHMOD) to 777 to 'smilies' directory and ALL image files on it.
5. Open your web browser then point it to http://yourdomain.com/dps/install.php.
The page that opens (install.php) will be blank (no pictures or text) and
with no errors and no confirmation, Your installation is allmost done! =)
6. For security reason, you must remove/delete the file install.php on your web.
7. To insert this in your site, its recommended you use an iframe to do so.
you can put the following code if you choose to use an iframe.

<iframe src="./dps/index.php" width="250" height="200" frameborder="0" scrolling="no></iframe>

** Change the width and height if needed.

8. You can change your shoutbox configuration at http://www.yourdomai...com/dps/manager (your-url-name/dps/manager),
log-in with the default username : admin and password : dekap. Don't forget to change your password for your own good .

What is CHMOD?
- CHMOD is an abbreviation for the term "change mode". CHMOD is a function on all Unix, Linux and FreeBSD systems that allows varying levels of permissions to be set on files and directories in relation to the application attempting to access them. CHMOD controls the configuration of execute, write and read accessibility (permissions).

- CHMOD changes the access permissions or modes of the specified files or directories. Modes determine who can read, change or execute a file.

You can read on these links for CHMOD Tutorial at here and here

9. Edit :
Please open shoutbox.php on class folder and look at line 94 :

if (strlen ($comments[$j]) >= 20) $comment .= " " . wordwrap($comments[$j], 20, " ", 1);

please change 20 with 100 or something.

if (strlen ($comments[$j]) >= 150) $comment .= " " . wordwrap($comments[$j], 150, " ", 1);

After you edit this file you can write long words on your shoutbox or long URL.

-----> Language support ------------------------------->
If you/your friends are using local letters, you might need to change this to get letters like Å, Ä, Ö to be showned at the shoutbox-entries;

Please open the file general.php located in class folder. Go to line 125, you'll see this code:
return strtr ($str, $ascii_to_char);

You have to add comment to that line so that line won't be processed by PHP.
Your line should be look like this after you add the comment.

#return strtr ($str, $ascii_to_char);

Now, after that one, you should add a new line in the below of that line, between that line and a }. The line would be:
return $str;

Ok, after you done it, save it and re-upload it agan, and the letters will be showned correctly again.
------------------------------------------->End of language support------------------<
::: Have great day! //Erik at psychofrog.se and Webbhotell ManuFrog :::

#3 Medlemmen är offline   Erik 

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  • Inlägg: 7 585
  • Gick med: 13-juli 03

  Postad 03 januari 2004 - 16:06

How to make the Shoutbox transparent;

1. Add allowtransparency="true" on your index.html at theme folder.
The iframe code will look like this after you add allowtransparency="true"


<iframe name="shoutbox" src="view.php" height="250" width="200" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" frameborder="0" class="sbbody" allowtransparency="true"></iframe>

2. On index.html on theme folder add bgcolor="transparent" :


<body bgcolor="transparent">

3. On view.html at theme folder add this code on body bgcolor="transparent"


<body bgcolor="transparent">

4. Dont forget to edit your CSS file (style.css) and add background:transparent; on body, textarea, tag :


body, textarea, tag { font-family: tahoma, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 7pt; text-decoration: none; scrollbar-face-color:#F0F0F0;scrollbar-shadow-color:#000000; scrollbar-highlight-color:#F0F0F0; scrollbar-3dlight-color: #000000; scrollbar-track-color: #FFFFFF; scrollbar-darkshadow-color:#F0F0F0; scrollbar-arrow-color: #000000; background:transparent;}

5. Background Entry I and Background Entry II must be empty (Log-in and check your DPS configuration area)

6. Add allowTransparency="true" on your main page iframe :


<iframe src="http://www.yourdomain.com/dps" name="showtag" width="220" height="220" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>


Good luck! :huh:
::: Have great day! //Erik at psychofrog.se and Webbhotell ManuFrog :::

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